Bluestacks mobile size
Bluestacks mobile size

So, these are some good new features that BlueStacks 4 have. Because you will earn it by just playing the Android games on BlueStacks 4. And with this feature, you don’t have to worry about your gadget for gaming. Just play the game, earn points, and check out your rewards. This is something interesting in BlueStacks that everyone should try. So, when you reach that exchange points, make sure to check out your reward. All the gifts that are listed on the BlueStacks store have points mentioned. You just have to visit the BlueStacks Store, make an account, and exchange your points with rewards. These exchanges can be done using the Bluestacks store. You can get rewards by exchanging your points with gifts. Love achieving targets in games? Earn points and get a free gift is a big feature for those who are looking to get the reward of their hard time spent on gaming.

bluestacks mobile size

  • BlueStacks Store and BlueStacks Points.
  • So, here are the 5 best features of BlueStacks 4: If I break down the new features of BlueStacks 4 then it will be around 5 New features.
  • 3.2.2 Display and Engine Settings for Medium-end PCĪccording to the official BlueStacks blog, it is 6x faster than Samsung Galaxy S9+, and also, it is more simple than any Android emulator out there.
  • 3.2.1 Display and Engine Settings for High-end PC.
  • For High-end PC Owners (And Medium-End PC user)
  • 3.1.1 Reduce Aspect Ratio from Display Settings.
  • bluestacks mobile size

  • 3 Best BlueStacks Settings For Gaming On PC or Laptop 2021.
  • bluestacks mobile size

  • 2 How to Download and Install BlueStacks 4 Latest Version on PC.

  • Bluestacks mobile size